Feb 26, 2020
Will the self-indulgence never end???? That’s right, Sam, Jack, and Kevin are back to indulge themselves in even more wistful nostalgia and self-congratulation in PART 2 of their Reopening the Wormhole retrospective! Like all awards shows, they saved the really big awards for last here, including their favorites and least favorites of both RTW and DS9, more listener email, a discussion about the music on the show, and more! These three have been through so much over the course of this podcast’s existence, and this episode sees them finally acknowledging the significant role it’s played in their lives. They may be done covering all the Deep Space Nine episodes, but the impact that Reopening the Wormhole has had on these podcasters will leave a lifelong beauty mark on all of their souls.
Remember to remain subscribed to Reopening the Wormhole! We will continue to release bonus content and keep you guys informed of Jack, Sam, and Kevin’s upcoming projects on this feed. We love our listeners, and this final Retrospective, while intended to bring closure to RTW, is nonetheless, NOT THE END! Expect another bonus episode out very soon, and keep writing us emails! We fully intend to read then ALL on the podcast in future episodes!
Here’s a helpful guide to the things covered in this episode:
6:20 - Favorite Episode of a Cohost’s Other Podcast
22:32 - Favorite Kregg Episode of RTW
34:26 - Favorite Ferengi Episode of DS9
36:34 - Favorite Funniest Line/Technobabble
42:30 - Favorite Bonus Episode
56:23 - Listener Email
1:09:10 - Favorite RTW Music
1:57:20 - Bottom 5 DS9 Episodes
2:10:33 - Least Favorite RTW Episode
2:18:54 - Top 3 RTW Episodes
2:36:34 - Top 10 DS9 Episodes
To hear your email read on a future mailbag episode, mail us at: reopeningthewormhole@gmail.com
Check out Jack on Jack’s Silly Little Friendly Neighborhood Star Trek: Discovery, Short Trek, and Picard Podcast at jacksdiscovery.libsyn.com or on Apple Podcasts.
Also, hear Jack and friend of the show Geoff Clarke talk about all things Planet of the Apes on The Apecast at theapecast.libsyn.com or on Apple Podcasts.
Lastly, hear Sam and friend of the show Brian Rudloff talk about Marvel Star Wars comics from the 1970s and 80s on Marvel Star Wars Explorers at marvelstarwarsexplorers.com or on Stitcher or Apple Podcasts