Feb 18, 2020
What do you do when you just can’t let go of talking about Deep Space Nine, even though you’ve talked about every episode for hours? You talk about the show as a whole, and you talk about yourself talking about it, that’s what! It’s part 1 of our Big, Bad, Bodacious Retrospective! We’re covering several categories related to both Deep Space Nine and Reopening the Wormhole, reading some listener email with some great suggestions for retrospective topics, and overall, having an absolute blast talking about DS9, podcasting, and all the fun we’ve had over the years. You’re probably asking yourself: how is this just part 1? It’s three hours! Well… you are underestimating our penchant for navel-gazing and talking Trek. We do so much of both of these things in this episode, and we know our listeners wouldn’t have it any other way. Here are the time stamps for all the subjects discussed in part one:
7:37 - A Look Back at the Last Four Years
26:00 - Listener Email
1:04:41 - Favorite Main Character
1:14:24 - Best Actor in DS9
1:19:45 - Favorite Recurring Character
1:24:01 - Favorite Single-Episode Character
1:29:31 - Favorite Alien Race
1:39:38 - Favorite RTW Cohost Performance
1:53:37 - Favorite RTW Guest Performance
2:08:12 - Listener Email
2:46:59 - Favorite RTW Cold Open
Stay tuned for part 2, coming soon to a podcast listening device near you!
To hear your email read on a future mailbag episode, mail us at: reopeningthewormhole@gmail.com
Check out Jack on Jack’s Silly Little Friendly Neighborhood Star Trek: Discovery, Short Trek, and Picard Podcast at jacksdiscovery.libsyn.com or on Apple Podcasts.
Also, hear Jack and friend of the show Geoff Clarke talk about all things Planet of the Apes on The Apecast at theapecast.libsyn.com or on Apple Podcasts.
Lastly, hear Sam and friend of the show Brian Rudloff talk about Marvel Star Wars comics from the 1970s and 80s on Marvel Star Wars Explorers at marvelstarwarsexplorers.com or on Stitcher or Apple Podcasts.